
The Result of Junior Category: The 2nd Saitama International Music Competition

The preliminary results for the Junior Category of the 2nd Saitama International Music Competition are as follows.
If you are a finalist, please complete the final selection procedure using the form below by June 30th.


*The order of publication within each award is in the order of review. It has nothing to do with the scoring content.
*Certificates for Excellent Award are presented at final round.
*Certificates for Good Performance Award are scheduled to be sent in late-July.
*The review comments will be sent via email at a later date.

【Excellent Award (advance to finals)】

・LI ENYA(piano, 10)
・大園 悠乃/OZONO YUNO(violin, 9)
・竹内 奈々歌/TAKEUCHI NANAKA(piano, 12)
・宮城 優菜/MIYAGI YUNA(piano, 12)
・佐藤 美知佳/SATO MICHIKA(piano, 10)
・高瀬 久遠/TAKASE QUON(boy soprano, 11)
・吉田 明花/YOSHIDA MEIKA(piano, 11)
・千田 史花/SENDA FUMIKA(piano, 11)
・吉田 裕軌音/YOSHIDA YUKITO(flute, 10)
・小林 美らの/KOBAYASHI MIRANO(piano, 10)
・上野 莉子/UENO RIKO(piano,10)
・吉田 航惺/YOSHIDA KOUSEI(piano, 8)
・福井 遥/FUKUI HARUKA(piano, 11)
・石井 梨花/ISHII RINKA(piano, 11)
・髙賀 未弥/KOHGA MIYA(piano, 10)
・福島 聖人/FUKUSHIMA KIYOTO(piano, 12)
・内田成珠・晴貴/UCHIDA NARUMI・HARUKI(piano duo)
・佐藤 音希葉/SATO NONOHA(piano, 14)
・JUI-CHEN SU(violin, 11)
・諏訪 陽音/SUWA HARUTO(piano, 7)
・内田 成珠/UCHIDA NARUMI(piano, 12)
・野上 知真/NOGAMI KAZUMA(violin, 10)
・宮本 紗羽/MIYAMOTO SAWA(piano, 12)
・YUN-SHI SU(violin, 9)
・猪股 優衣/INOMATA YUI(violin, 11)
・斎藤 秀美/SAITO HIDEMI(piano, 11)
・田邉 悠/TANABE KANATO(marimba, 9)
・季 華奈香/KI HANAKA(piano, 11)
・GONG JHENG PRIMARY SCHOOL(string orchestra)
・井出 優菜/IDE YUNA(piano, 11)
・佐藤 音希葉・今野 宗達/SATO NONOHA・KONNO SOUTATU(piano duo)
・WANG, WEN-HSUAN(violin, 12)
・内田 晴貴/UCHIDA HARUKI(piano, 10)

【Good Performance Award】

・青木 あかり/AOKI AKARI(violin, 9)
・森田 ひより/MORITA HIYORI(piano, 11)
